Our little pups are expensive but it's the price we pay. In the long run money is nothing more than printed paper it's the satisfaction we get...
That would be my only fear is at some point is the puppy turning his attention to the real carpet. Stryker has already found a spot on our carpet...
I have no kids so our pool at the time had no fence around it. Dozer, my previous dog, had a nasty habbit of running along side of the pools edge...
Happy birthday! At least she enjoys going to the sitters.
I think Strykers most annoying habbit, for me, is when it's time for bed. My dad likes to come over before work, quietly let Stryker out of his...
June 1st I had to say good-bye to my best friend (at 9 years old) as Arthritis was causing Dozer so much pain and the medication was no longer...
Stryker was on that powder stuff too for 3 days but he had tape worm from eating a flea from when the Breeder had him but those are very common...
I only came here because the title seemed a bit dirty.
I know you want to give in but you have to fight those urges. I stopped using treats as a reward but instead I now use his dog food. Also the...
I think we all go through that. I had an issue where I brought Stryker home and the first 2 days he ate like he had never been fed before. That's...
Think of a vet as your doctor and your puppy as a child. If you woke up one day with blood in your stool would you call anybody other than your...
We need a super hero to defend us from these vile creatures. They are alien and must come from some other planet where they plot to rule earth and...
Today at 14 weeks Stryker weighs 17 pounds.
That's great that she's doing so wonderful. For now [IMG] Little Stryker leaves for the vets in 30 minutes for his second set of shots.
This is what he does. The light is from the flash of the phone but other than that it's total darkness back there. [IMG]
This isn't a big issue as I have always gone out with Stryker when he needed to go outside. We haven't finished his yard yet so there are no gates...
I use only a pen. Personal preference really. Some where on these forums, somebody asked the same question and I posted a video of how to make...
That is really good. The best part is, it's not a constant bark so I would be really proud.
My Dozer was swimming on his own in the ocean shortly after I got him. He did ok but like you the waves took him under. A few days later we went...
To be honest, you have to judge the living situation yourself. All the great advice you get here is great and all but only you know your living...