I would ask your family and friends if they can help out. I'm sure you have a few family members and/or friends you can trust that don't work or...
13 week mark was yesterday I think. I keep forgetting but it's close to that age. My left arm. [IMG] What I do and it seems to work is pinch...
I wouldn't worry unless he starts getting small bald spots or chewing in one spot. Dozer shredded like mad. The worst times was when changed...
Gorgeous! She is indeed a moose but she'll burn through that real quick as she grows.
What a guy! Love that happy face. From that above image, he doesn't look over weight at all. Well regardless, he looks very happy and healthy.
Is that Cooper in your side image? Do you have any of a full body view? My sisters dog is close to that weight and I wanted to compare the two....
Umm I just did my entire yard and window seals because I had a very bad ant infestation. Should I be worried about Stryker? He seems to be fine,...
As disgusting as it is, I got a good laugh. Then I quickly turned to Stryker and told him NO eating of poo of any kind, EVEEEEEEEEER! He was...
Getting a puppy to stay still is very hard More of his white [IMG] He tried grabbing the phone [IMG] Almost lost a finger on this one [IMG]
Stryker is prime example. Pure black lab but loads of white which the vet said most will change to black after a few sheds. [IMG] The white...
Are you feeding him adult or puppy brand? Those do make a difference. Looking at pet food advisor it appears that the brand you're feeding is like...
I had the same issue with Stryker not wanting to eat. Vet told me this is normal after switching foods and that young dogs really only eat for...
Let me rephrase a few things because in my haste of concern I kind of worded a few things. By restricting his fluid intake what I meant was...
The only time he doesn't have access to water is when he's in his pen. The only time he's in his pen is during sleep time or 2 other times when he...
Stryker seems to be urinating quite frequently. He's just at that 12 week mark and it seems like this little guy has the urge to go out and...
Just wondering what the vet said?
Stryker uses; Down - Used for when he jumps or climbs on the back of furniture. Lay - Used for when I want him to lay down on the floor. I try...
Not sure I would recommend salt as it could be very painful to the dog. I know it's good for cleaning wounds but we don't want to inflict more...
I would go get an ace bandage that doesn't stick to skin but will stick to itself. Gently clean the wound with warm water and antibacterial soap...
Dozer was really odd where he would only eat once a day but I made the attempt of feeding him twice a day regardless. What I did was attempt his...