Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed? I tried letting Daisy sleep on the bed, but she's such a bed hog that I end up balanced right on the edge...
Re: Catching up with Daisy Hi Libamajig! I'm so excited to hear about someone closer to me than many hundreds or thousands of miles distant! :D...
Re: Not right! Have you taken her temp? When Daisy was about 12 weeks old, she got really sick, but was still eating and drinking - just very...
Re: temperature Is there some reason you don't want to take her temp? It's the most reliable way to tell if a mopey dog is truly ill. Daisy's had...
Re: How much does your puppy weigh? Daisy is 9 months and was 55 pounds (25 kg, I think) at her spay over Christmas break. She still looks lean...
Re: Cheap entertainment And they're helping the recyclers shred the cardboard for processing! Talented dogs... ;D
Re: Spaying experiences? Wow, PaigeEmily! Bad times! :( (You're right, though - so much depends on the dog. I had Daisy (9 months) spayed 3 weeks...
Re: Cheap entertainment I had a couple dogs a number of years ago that learned if I tied a knot in a sock (or any kind of rag) it was a tug and...
Like most of our wonderful puppies, Daisy likes to shred and tear things up. My slippers, my gloves, my socks, CD cases (what could be appealing...
Re: Willow and Shadow are growing up ... photos Fiona, Shadow looks a lot like my Daisy did at that age. Very pale in color and very leggy! My...
Re: Is this a good idea??? I haven't posted on this, though I've kept up with reading. I am so, so, sorry that it all came to this :'(. The only...
It's been a while since I posted, but I have been keeping up with everyone else! We've had a stretch of well-below 0 F weather here in Minnesota,...
Re: Dog ID Tag I've never liked the jingle or look of dangly tags, so I've always gotten name plates that rivet right onto the collar. I have two...
Re: puppy cuddle and sleeping Daisy was a cuddler when she was little, and now that she's 55 pounds, she seems to realize that her own bed is...
Re: Walking too much ?? What a great picture! Love the ear! I have no experience with oceans, so can't address that issue, but the walking...
This is the cover of a wonderful book about hunting with Labs, American-style. There are some amazing photos. If you've never seen it, it's worth...
Re: Pic of Izzy Oh, what a darling baby she is! Why oh why don't they stay little longer?? Maybe I'll have to become a foster home for pregnant...
Re: Fur change This is a pic of Daisy's dorsal stripe, and you can clearly see where the softer fur down her sides begins. Interestingly, my old...
Re: Follow up from Vet Appointment.... Many years ago, I had a Springer Spaniel with a tipped vulva. The vet I was working for at the time was a...
Re: New: Should you spay your bitch Daisy is home, having survived her surgery, and Henry is much happier, having his puppy back! I initially had...