Our Billy does this, just really wants to meet them and say hi but he's a strong boy. We bought a harness for him that has a leash clip on the...
It's only to be expected that a bitch will become anxious when in heat as many glands in their bodies start acting in different ways. But she...
Hi James Yes, unfortunately it's quite a normal instinct in many animals. Their digestive systems aren't as efficient as ours so the natural...
You're right, it is a long time to keep her shut away, so when your grandson is there you'll need to set time aside to spend with her. At 14 weeks...
Aah, selective deafness, possibly mixed with a stubborn streak that may become more apparent as she gets older. Black Dog Faye was an expert at...
As I only adopt rescue labs these days it's been a long time since I raised a pup. Hiker and her daughter Jassie were the last ones I raised many...
That's £792.00 a year for something that's totally unnecessary, strewth. I'm with JD, think you need a different vet.
We used Rimadyl for Black Dog Faye as she got older, when she was younger she used to 'pivot' on her right front leg and spin round and round like...
I think this happens a lot when a vet takes the so called "breed standard" as gospel instead of a guide line and looking at and evaluating each...
Boys... Fenn or Fenrir (Norse mythology - He who dwells in the marshes - Son of Loki) Bailey (Castle Keep - protector) Tanus (Warrior - Child of...
Thanks Saffy :) Shhh, don't tell anyone we're lovely, I've been practicing the grumpy old man act for years now ;) I do find it very rewarding...
Thanks JD :) Sorry about your black lab, you're right, it's so very difficult. And poor Toby, diagnosed at only 18 months, give him a Bonio and...
Thanks JD :) There's two of us here, my mate and I have shared this place for 11 years or so now and care for the dogs between us. We like to...
Hi all, Billy and Bruno's dad saying hello. Have joined up looking for help and tips in order to help a very anxious boy but am happy to help...