Re: My puppy is going to be whelped this week! I'm 100% biased as I have a Chocolate girl but it would depend on the reasons why you'd prefer a...
Re: Not good :( Fingers (and everything else) crossed that Harley will be ok.
Re: approach towards others when out +1 for the soft and slightly loopy chocolate lab, plus all labs i've met on walks have been pretty calm and...
Re: Is my dog content? I often think this too but I wonder if it's because I also work from home so get to see her more during the day. Folks who...
Re: Same food - different flavour Not sure it helps but Kenzi went right off JWB kibble/chicken after having it for a couple of months, so I...
Re: Season's over - hooray! I paid £180 for standard (few weeks ago), i'm based in the North East. It covered the Op, stitches being removed and...
Re: Puppy teeth falling out Juno sounds normal to me, but only have Kenzi as a guide, front ones were the first to go for kenzi. she'd lost all...
Re: Teeth I'm the same, brush them every 2days (or more often if she's eaten something gross) and have done since she arrived at 8 weeks. I also...
Re: Today the worst happened I have zero experience in this, and don't know all of Pennys history, but in general i'm curious regarding dog...
Re: Your feedback please on forum photos: PLEASE VOTE one more vote for 3rd party site(I use flickr), I love the fact this site is pure...
Re: long does it go on??? Lauren - yep she stole it during a shed clear out & ran away with it, she normally has access to balls...
Re: long does it go on??? Kenzi was pretty much the same as JulieT's, all teeth in by 6months . In addition over the past 2-3...
Re: Cute Puppy Pics Any photos of Kenzi that are not blurry, of her turning away or chewing something are pure luck - she seems to hate the...
Re: Cute Puppy Pics Kenzi ~10weeks old and one of my favourite photos [img]Kenzi_10wksold by ca6sst, on Flickr
Re: Factors influencing personality in labradors I have no comparison to black/yellow labs but definitely +1 here on the choc lab excitability,...
Re: A lump?! I only have experience of post spaying but about a week after the external stitches were removed Kenzi did develop a lump/blister...
Re: help needed I've never used but there are a few relatively cheap/small turf options on amazon;...
Re: How to walk Rachael - yep we also stop & wait until lead is relaxed before moving, it does work, but as with most things requires...
Re: How to walk Re this technique; "- reward spontaneous loose lead walking, using excellent treats, and actively look for opportunities to do...
Re: Laying down on lead Is it really obvious you're going home? and is there anyway you can disguise that you're heading home? I used to have a...