Re: Meals Lou our routine is really similar to yours! Ruby is 13 weeks today and we took her down to 3 meals yesterday. 7-7:15am - Breakfast...
Re: How are all our younger pups doing at night?? Ruby has finally made it through the night at 12 weeks and 3 days!! We are now doing 10:30pm to...
Re: Natural flea and tick trestments Interesting thread as we have been going through the same "questions" ourselves. Picked up our puppy 4 weeks...
Re: Sleep help? See if this works - Ruby enjoying her crate time in the office! She loves chewing the bars, odd girl....
Re: Sleep help? Sounds like you had a much better night! Strange that he didn't wee after 15 minutes - how long was it since the last time you...
Re: Sleep help? Hi! We've had our puppy for 3 weeks now. 1st night was awful, 2nd a bit better and since then she has only cried once in the...
Re: Sleep advice Quick update! Now going from 10:30 to 4:45am - it's so nice seeing the progress you can make in a week! :) Good now we have...
Re: really sloppy mucus poo We seem to be having a few "sloppy" poos too. Ruby will have a perfect nice, small, well formed poo and then 2-3...
Re: Small pimples near "bits" Ruby had one (sounds similar) in the middle of her belly which has also scabbed and now gone. We asked the vet last...
Re: Vaccination Confusion.... Interesting read, thank you. I've spoken to our vets again and they are adamant that the two she has had are fine...
HELP!! We picked up our Puppy at 8 weeks, she had her first injection at 7 weeks and 4 days and this was Vanguard. 2nd injection last Thursday...
Re: Sleep advice Thanks! She doesn't wake us ever to be honest, we normally have to encourage her out of the crate but she always goes to the...
Hi all, I know this will have been posted many times before but just wanted to share our experience and see what people's thoughts/advice is...
Re: Bedding for puppy New to the forum so just reading through old people use detergents in the machine when they wash the vet bed?...
Re: The biting phase has almost passed! Thanks everyone. We do try the hand/toy exchange but will try to be more persistent with this. I feel...
Re: The biting phase has almost passed! Good to know it doesn't last forever! :) We are battling with this at the moment - it's such a slow...