Also meant to say that the crazy behaviour you get sometimes is also normal! It’s just overexcitement and play. Just try to stay out of the firing...
All totally normal :) Most Labradors will follow you everywhere. And definitely into the loo... They are people dogs and want to be with their...
Happy birthday Charlie! Enjoy your lovely birthday presents. You are looking good :) And happy birthday to you too Jen (hope you didn’t get raw...
I too would recommend the same as Boogie and deadandchocolatey. Having your pup/dog with you at night is the best way to ease their anxiety and...
In winter here all our morning walks are subzero. Obi still swims, every chance he gets. He also crawls along on his tummy on the frozen, heavily...
That’s absolutely delightful.
That is a beautiful and moving story.
Poor lad. What a horrible experience for you both. Glad it was not worse. I hope he bounces right back from this. Hope that dog owner buys a...
I agree. Dudley colouring is no different to the skin pigmentation in Chocolates. Doesn’t make sense to allow Chocolates and exclude Dudleys. They...
Yeah. Thanks from me too.
We used to defrost our first Labrador’s meals in the microwave. Nicolae developed a very strong liking for the ‘ping’.... Great demonstration of...
He’s gorgeous. Looks 100% Labrador to me. And, yes, I’d say he’s a Dudley. It’s not unusual to have a bit of uneven pigment. My Labrador (yellow...
Yeah!! Think I’m gonna buy some on the weekend. Yum yum!!
Great news!! Yes, that’s normal in my experience.
Many years ago I had Maggi noodles. In the square packets. Japanese and Korean noodles are the best. I haven’t tried ‘in a cup’ ones though....
Personality is pretty malleable. In both humans and dogs.
Ok, we have pot noodles. I’ve discovered that Woolworths sell them (Woolworths is a chain of large supermarkets).
So what’s a Pot Noodle?
I almost bought some online the other day but with delivery it would’ve come to over $10 and I didn’t think the noodles could be that good.... But...