Glad it’s nothing to worry about :)
You’ve done all you can, Kate. And your posts here will make some puppy buyers question prospective breeders about this issue, seeking assurance...
A graze I wouldn’t worry about. A graze that’s attracting attention and licking I would worry about. Speaking from recent experience here. Our...
Labradors can turn a scrape like this into an infected hot spot faster than you can blink. My advice would be to go to the vet. The vet can check...
It’s normal to be nervous, so don’t worry that you’re nervous :) It is all going to be totally fine. You’ll love having your puppy and having him...
That teacher should be looking for a career change. How dare she be so insensitive, disrespectful and hurtful?
Cheeky girl :D
Remember that most lumps are nothing. We had Obi to the vet last week because we found a lump on his head. It turned out to be a harmless little...
How awful... Climate change is probably a factor (higher rainfall) but it’d be compounded by having cut down too many trees and cleared too much...
How nice to get a round of applause :) Well deserved too.
Hilarious story!!!!
Great that you’ve given a loving home to this young dog :) We got our dog Obi at 9 months and he also had to be house trained. We approached it...
Another thought - if he’s already really good in the crate inside the house then when you start getting him used to being in the outside kennel...
Hi Torch and welcome to the forum :) When puppies or dogs react that way to isolation it’s a sign of extreme, extreme anxiety. Your pup is too...
Coco, you don’t have to have Sofa Line Champions in your ancestry to achieve Sofa Dog (SD) status. That Sofa needs you on it.
Welcome from Obi and I. :) We’re in Australia.
Glad he’s hanging in there. Hope they can solve the mystery soon.
Obi has a lot of Sofa Line champions in his pedigree. [ATTACH]
Having said that most Labradors don’t go in shows and don’t do any work. So we need a Sofa Line category, I reckon :D
The distinction is more ‘show line’ versus ‘working line’. There are stacks of lighter built working line Labradors in the UK and they’re as...