Absolutely lovely. :clap:
How dreadful for his family. Sounds like he’s in serious pain. I wonder if a trial dose of painkillers might be worth a go....?
Hey, ya gotta have standards or ya don’t have anything.
Welcome to the forum :)
I kind of think of it as being like that state where you’re really tired but also a bit wired and feel like you need to do something. But you...
Here are a couple of threads about cat introductions. I haven’t read them through but they may be helpful :)...
Welcome to the forum :) I’m sure you can make it work with the kitty.
Great job! :)
We got Obi when he was 9 months old and quite a handful and I wondered that on about 5000 separate occasions. And, yes, he did grow up and he is...
I love that adult yellow one. Reminds me of Obi :) All great pics!!
That’s kind of an age thing though, not a cyclical thing. Also, mounting other dogs is more about play and mounting things (blankets, cushions,...
No, they don’t :) Same all year round. Some can get pretty excited if they detect a bitch in season but that’s a different story.
Poor lad. Definitely a Vet job. The base/roots of the tooth are probably still in there.
The link goes to FB but it says I don’t have permission to view. Is it a private page?
Lovely pics! Nathan is looking so grown up.
Have a read of this, Jen: https://thecognitivecanine.com/2017/05/24/the-trouble-with-fetch/ You are not being unreasonable at all.
It involves cutting off quite a bit of the external, floppy part of the ear to allow the ear to stand upright (this still requires the ear to be...
It’s great that you have the support of your breeder. But tough to go through this.... Hope Reuben recovers steadily.
How lovely. She’s very pretty :)
Has she been desexed (spayed) or is she entire?