I also want to comment on ear cropping and on dog fighting. Yes, dog fighting as a ‘sport’ is one reason why ear cropping began. In that sense its...
Have a great day tomorrow! Once the tour is finished you’ll have plenty of processing time in a familiar environment. I’d just put the thinking...
Agree that choosing a dog with a steady, low anxiety temperament is 90% of it....
If you saw my city dog in the waiting room you’d feel better :D He wants to charge up to all the other patients, especially cats. So if we’re not...
How nice. I’m sure you’re missing him a lot. I’m sure he’d have good advice to give about the selection of his successor too.
Hehe, yes, we need a quick summary of the current state of play :)
Welcome to the forum :) Sounds to me like you’re doing a great job. It’s up to you where your pup sleeps. My personal view is that they (most of...
When you get your dog you’ll wonder how you lived without that dog. So, get a dog.
If you find that your dog has learned to ignore a cue unless food is presented first then it's best to abandon that cue and retrain the behaviour...
That works, yay!
What nice dogs! Very beautiful. This tour has really taken off. I enjoyed reading “In Which I Got Stuck In A Scottish Sheep Bog”. And the doggie...
Flickr does though.
Welcome to the forum! How exciting to be getting a new pup :) I don’t think photobucket allow pics to be shown on forums anymore :(
Don’t panic! :) A growl is a dog saying ‘Do not do that!!!!!’. It’s not aggression. It’s best thought of as a very emphatic, but still civilised,...
Obi also says hi Cousin Wispa! :clap:
One of Obi’s favourite toys is a $1 microfibre car wash sponge :)
I would definitely send a copy of that letter to the breeder. Seriously, she needs to stop breeding from that line - you are absolutely right...
Definitely my experience. Nothing like bone in the diet for producing a solid poop! Obi has always had much more solid poops on raw meaty bone...
Abby looks beautiful and very at home on your couch :) Welcome to the forum.
We get soft toys like teddies from a baby shop. They sell teddies etc without bits (eyes, noses) that can be swallowed. Just got to have a feel of...