Re: I need advice please She did it again today, took her out for about an hour, she had a good run about with my friends English Pointer, I made...
Re: Scout at 7 months Haha she does, when she thinks no one is looking she grabs a soggy teddy and runs to her bed.
Re: Eating poo.....any kind! If Scout can get to the cat litter before us she is in her element, unfortunately it makes her vomit and the one...
Re: Todays mishaps :0( Iv called the vet, was advised to gently wash her feet in boiling water that has cooled down. Then I have put a sock on...
Scout has some how burnt or took the top layer of skin off her pad. Her front right has a 10p size and the front left just a tiny spot. [IMG]...
Re: Scout at 7 months Scouts teddies have a washing day [IMG] it is not her favourite day ???
Re: Taking puppy to the caravan for the 1st time! Iv not heard of it no but i will look in our book and see if its there. Thanks
Re: We have joined a facebook group.. Hello! Its a small world haha. Scout is full of fun and mischief. Hopefully see you on a walk soon.
I have joined a facebook group called Labradors Northeast, Most Sundays they do a group walk and iv had to miss a few because they were too far to...
Re: BEWARE CUTE PUPPY PICS!! nice chuncky, beautiful babies :D
Re: I need advice please At the moment with a bit of hot water added she seems to be eating it, not all at once and still slowly but at least she...
Re: Scout at 7 months I jinxed it, the poor thing needed its first minor surgery but its ok now..
Re: Ruby Oh my goodness she is adorable, those eyes melt my heart.
Re: I need advice please Thanks for that :D Iv just checked and I can get it here in the UK. I'm going to go to the vets I think, alot of people...
Re: Look who's staying with me for awhile! Such beautiful eyes x
Re: I need advice please Can I ask what you are changing to please. I really thought it was a good food (it's costs enough) iv just spent £80 on...
Re: Video cam Such a good idea and I love that you could speak to her and that she listened haha xx
Re: Scout at 7 months Ooh thanks I will try xx
We wanted to thank you for all the help and advice you have been giving us. Scout at the beach, the beach is her most favourite place ever....
Re: I need advice please I'll definitely try warm water.. Thanks Trisha and Scout x