Re: How often should I bath my pup? Thanks for all the replies, she was at vets on Friday getting her second vaccination and her puppy check and...
Hi there, Scout is 10 weeks now and she is so smelly, I know labs are smelly but I was just wondering how often can I bath her? She will be able...
Re: Hi, I'm new. Thank you, she is a little sweety. So timid, she is so good- goes straight to sleep with no crying till 6am and she is using her...
Re: Hi, I'm new. Thank you :)
Re: Hi, I'm new. Hi this is Scout :D [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
Re: Hi, I'm new. I would love to show her off but I have no idea how to post them :o
Re: Hi, I'm new. Hi everyone, thank you all so much for your advise. We spoke to the breeder and asked if he would be able to keep her longer as...
Re: Hi, I'm new. Thank you, everyone. I really appreciate your honesty and yes we do hear the warning bells. I think after this we may very well...
Re: Hi, I'm new. Sorry I should also have said that the guy is also letting the puppies go at 6 weeks old. He says it is getting to hard to cope...
Hi there, we are in the process of getting our first labrador and we are a little nervous to say the least. We have a worry.. When we first went...