Usually my pics of Bob don't come out too well but I was so pleased with the light on this photo. So thought I'd share with you guys! [IMG]
Howdy folks.... recently (well on 2 occasions) Bob has done a poop in our boy's playroom!!!!! I'm honestly not sure what has triggered this at...
Bob never used to bark but since he turned a year old he gives the odd bark when he hears the door, or a noise outside. He doesnt do it very often...
Yup we are on it JulieT I've been trying to train the 'drop' when he retrieves something. Because before he used to just hang onto whatever he'd...
How very interesting. Yes it doesn't surprise me I guess, we've been everything to him for the last few months. He's known nothing other than...
Guys I can't begin to tell you how happy I am about Bob! I know I posted a woe is me post before Christmas because we'd had such a run of bad...
Oh gosh that sounds horrendous! I will do some investigation on groomers. In the meantime a quick visit to the vets tomorrow is required I think
I'm liking this idea a LOT!!! Will do some investigation. Although Bob never had a bath before. And I'd be worried about stressing him out?!
Omg Emily are you in the UK? Didn't even realise these places existed! Bob's never had a bath before. He'd probably freak out! But I'd be...
Ha ha yes not even considered that as an option actually. Do Labradors go to grooming parlours?! I thought it was more the toy dogs or those that...
Bob keeps licking his bum. His anal glands might need squeezing. Apparently if they lick a lot that is the most likely reason. Another trip to the...
Thank you everyone you are so kind and supportive. I think the aggression thing is fear and I'm dying to get back with our trainer for some...
Hi guys, I'm feeling so down about Bob at the moment... it's just one thing after another. First we got him neutered and since then he's been...
Bloody hell! Thank good for insurance that's all I can say lol! Will give the vet a call in the morning. I'm hoping one missed one in yhthe...
Hi guys, what is the best way to deal with a constipated dog? Bob was pooing blood last week and had such awful runs. Vet prescribed some...
Thanks guys will share this info with the family and hope that they agree
Exactly. We can't rush. He's been on restricted exercise for nearly 2 months!!! So tempting to just get out there with him but must be sensible...
Sorry I didn't reply to my post sooner. Bob is doing OK.. although we had to stop the latest course of anti inflamms because he got a really...
Hi everyone, Since Bob was neutered back in October he's become a lot more aggressive towards other dogs when we've been out and about. The...
Well the vet checked Bob again. She is still unsure as to whether it's a soft tissue injury (which could take a while to heal) or anything...