Ruby has been diagnosed with nasal arteritis. Her sore nose is a result of an immune response attacking the skin cells causing ulceration. We will...
I changed mine onto adult at 6 months. Never went to Junior or anything like that as just not necessary. I know owners who just finish the bag...
Yuck - that's exactly why I have girls !
What about Ettinsmoor labs and her lovely fox red Skip. He is clear for all the tests and I know that he has recently sired a litter in Spain...
WOW I have a lot of respect for those dogs after reading an autobiography of a dog handler out in Afghanistan. Please don't underestimate the...
My lab's nose has looked like this for a few months now. Been to vet but steroid/antibiotic cream didn't work. Also tried Manuka honey and coconut...
mandyb - I was thinking along the lines of asthma/bronchitis too, when I said it sounds like its coming from lungs. Thanks for confirmation.
Def doesn't sound like kennel cough does. Poor boy does look uncomfortable though and the licking shows that he feels nauseous too. I agree with...
Me and my girls are proud to be Essex Girls !
Hi, seems ok now! Thanks for message
If my girls ever stayed that close to me on a walk then I would think they were sickening for something! Mine would be out of view, in the hedges...
If you google Superlorin implant you will find an article on labrador forums highlighting the reasons why assessing a dog's behaviour before the...
I have to log in everytime, am I doing something wrong ?
Re: Pet sitter concerns I agree with the others. I would far rather someone like you have than someone who says they come and don't or soneone...
Re: Feeling guilty and garden time. Sorry, I read your post as that he had free access to the garden when he was left on his own!! Whoops! We...
Re: Feeling guilty and garden time. I really wouldn't recommend leaving any dog in a garden whilst not being at home, aside from the fact that...
Re: Snarling Please don't give your puppy Benedryl or calming tablets ever again ! Your puppy is behaving like a normal 7 month old lab and you...
Re: Working line - are our dogs related? Any of these sound familiar ? These are in Ruby's 5 generation pedigree. Tudorcourt Sam at Jasueter...
Re: Fear of being handled Hi. Maisie sounds just like my black lab from working lines, except she will be 7 this year and still hates the vets...
Re: Update on the slimdoggy blog about overweight show labs Couldn't agree more, the lab that won best of breed this year is not fit for purpose....