Re: Histiocytoma Ok, don't panic, it is not uncommon for dogs to get these on their legs. My Ruby had one removed about 2 years. I had needle...
Re: Crufts gundog day I am not a big fan of showing really. I like to see dogs being dogs. Some dogs clearly love being in the ring, their tail...
Re: Crufts gundog day I am in love with Adrian Slater's George, the black dog he used in his gundog demo, he is stunning :) Chloe
Re: Today's the day! Glad to hear that you are feeling more confident. Having your first puppy is a massive learning curve and believe me, second...
Re: Today's the day! I would probably not worry about him guarding things in the crate. When he isn't in it I would take anything that is in...
Re: Crufts gundog day Again this year I didn't like the lab, loved the flattie though :) I loved the labs in the Gamekeepers ring though. Chloe
Re: Today's the day! I am not sure how old your children are, but I am wondering whether, without you knowing, one of your children has done...
Re: No control since we met a bitch on heat.... This is exactly why owners of bitches in season should be more thoughtful when considering...
Re: Couple of minor worries with meg I wouldn't recommend putting any drops into her eyes until your vet has diagnosed something, you could end...
Re: Tardak- temporary chemical castration log.. It will be interesting to see if there are any changes in your dogs behaviour. On another forum a...
Re: Is this a good idea??? Please don't ever blame yourself for what happened. You did the best you could for him. Take care. Run free Ezra....
Re: A Lump ;( Yes, I am with the others, if vet said they would have it removed then I would go with that. Chloe
Re: A Lump ;( I often turn it on the vet and ask what they would do, usually this is good guidance as to what the next step would be. Ruby had a...
Re: Dog thefts I am not totally consumed by the thought that my dogs could be stolen, but I am cautious when out walking. I look out for...
Re: choice but to be blunt.....liquid poo!!! Glad Bud is recovering from his upset tum. I would encourage anyone with a dog with...
Re: What causes the spots on my Lab? I would say there is some collie or spaniel in the mix. He is very cute though, he looks like he wearing...
Re: Pad injury and recovery. The best boots we have are from They are def hard wearing and almost waterproof but the shape of...
Re: Dog thefts I agree with heidrun - dog theft IS a problem in the UK, particularly Gundog breeds. It is something that concerns me so I do...
Re: Pad injury and recovery. Hi, I have a fair bit of experience with pad damage from my dogs! This is what I have learnt - They seem to heal...
Re: Dry dog food So glad you went to the vet as I was really worried for you. Hope you don't have too much of a disturbed night ! Chloe