What lovely dogs and a great photo. Thanks for sharing.
Ranger has such a fatty lump on the side of his lower lip. It is slowly getting larger and it bothers him, he scratches it. We are going to have...
We have lost three wonderful labs. Two black, and a senior chocolate lab we knew would be with us a short time. We have lost two cats too. It is...
I guess because I live in the country, the concept of picking up after our animals is foreign to me. I wouldn't want to do it. If I lived in a...
I don't like collars or leashes. Ranger, and our two cats, are micro chipped. None wear collars and as we live in the country, no leashes except...
I am so very sorry for your loss. We have lost 3 labs, and I know the pain of losing one.
We feed our lab, and two cats, dry food. We give them snacks between meals, but not a lot. Our lab likes milk bone. The last time we fed wet food...
Around here our black lab and two cats share the same water bucket. They mostly get along well together, except sometimes the younger cat messes...
I am sorry about your worries. We adopted a wonderful AKC registered black lab when the owners, who ran a day care where the kids all played with...
Sounds like the lab has been abused. We have adopted many who have been. We just give them as much love as you can, which is quite a lot as I love...
Thank you so much. I love labs. I had a puppy as a kid and he got out and was hit by a car, we had to put him down, his back was broken. I had no...
We are so glad we found our boy. We think he was abused at the shelter he was in for only a month. He is terrified of a water hose. We think whom...
Thanks. I found Ranger at a shelter in MO. He had been abused, we are trying to make his life terrific. He is doing well now. Your dog is a real...
Greetings from Ranger. We live in NE Kansas.