Re: Pop bottle! 4 pint plastic milk cartons are Amber's favourite as they come with a ready made carry handle. !
Re: Puppy problems - will things EVER improve??? Hi Amber is 12 weeks old today and the biting is showing signs of improving or we are getting...
Re: Hello from me and Samantha Hi Samantha looks lovely. Welcome from myself and Amber - 11 weeks old Paula
Re: Driving me mad! i feel your pain my hands are shredded from Amber's claws. Last night she took chunks out of the kitchen door mat having had...
Re: New Year's eve fireworks She slept through the whole thing!!!
Re: hello :) nice to meet you all. Hi Welcome from me and Amber - 11 week old chocolate lab. Absolutely adorable but a complete minx. Paula
Re: New Year's eve fireworks Thanks for the suggestions. She doesn't seem to mind loud noises so I don't want to create anxiety by our behaviour....
What is the best approach to dealing with New Year fireworks for the first time with an 11 week puppy. Ignore them and put her in the crate as...
Re: Toileting during socialising Hi How exciting picking up your new puppy this week. I have an 11 week pup Amber. When out and about being...
Re: My puppy - not home yet - a few weeks more to wait Welcome from Amber a little chocolate girl just 10 weeks old. Little Louis is beautiful....
Re: Day 4 Hi I am now on day 8 with 9 and a half week old Amber. Our days are up and down and exhausting at the moment. We have established a...
Re: Socializing puppy before all vacinations are done We went for our first carrying walk this morning with our 8 week pup. We took a short walk...
Re: Soon to begin our labrador adventure - excited (and daunted!)!! Hi Ruth I am just a couple of weeks ahead of you . We picked up our 8 week...
Hi I just wanted to introduce myself Paula and our new 8 week old chocolate lab puppy Amber. We live in Buckinghamshire . I have just taken...