he's gorgeous
Kyko is 99% of the time a dream at loose lead walking, until we go to an unfamiliar place, even just walking on the opposite side of the road to...
mines not massively tall, very tall fox red sire & dam is very short black dog, all the puppies towered over her at the 1 year reunion. He's...
I have moved Kyko onto grain free, & dairy free & he's thriving now & no more loose poops. He also gets an upset stomach from fish so that's out...
Kyko does this all the time & it's particularly scary for us as our last labs had a hereditary condition with no cure & the first sign was Lar...
Hi we had a problem with Kyko intermittently having runny poos since we got him. When we made the transition from junior to adult food he had...
the first few ribs should be just visible only when they are stretched or twisting, so sounds good to me. If he has a defined tuck and his waist...
Kyko hated the seatbelt attachments that went into the seatbelt connectors so we now have a kurgo zip line set up alongside the kurgo easy fit...
that sounds lovely! We've been saying for a long time that we wanted a weekend away with him, but all the cottages and stuff we looked at were...
Thank you In general we have been very lucky with Kyko, we had none the 'usual' puppy behaviours & he has always been a joy to be around. The only...
Hi everyone Kyko will be 16 months on the 10th Nov, and we have just taken him away for his 1st weekend break. Just had to post, as it was so...
we chose Kyko as we only had 2 to chose from & they were almost identical looking, we held them both & went for Kyko because he had a slightly...
we have a puppy in a flat but totally different scenario as we are ground floor so no stairs, and we have a large shared enclosed garden. There is...
last year we had played the firework sounds to Kyko & he didn't seem too bothered, & also for weeks before kids had been setting them off here &...
we have Kyko on the long line as he's far too excited by other dogs to listen & I don't want him running up to dogs especially ones we don't know....
Kyko's not massively cuddly he prefers to lie on the floor or on the end of the couch, but when he wants a cuddle will just come up front legs...
try and get him into a sit with a treat for doing so. If he's sitting he can't jump. It works almost all the time for us. If he jumps when you...
Kyko was quite old, not sure of the exact age but after 16 weeks before he was 100% dry in the house. He would last all night no problems & rarely...
they also fall out so quick once they start, but the new ones grow in so quickly too they don't look gappy for long