Here the farmers don't even give a warning !
Awk that's shocking :( . Hope you and the dogs are ok xx life's hard enough without having to deal with complete tossers as well ! In the end I...
Hi , I had a similar incident a few months ago , there's a thread on it somewhere! I use the long line on the beach still , even when it's empty...
hi there, It's been a while since I posted, have been rather busy with Sam who is now 7 months ! We are still going to weekly puppy class , and...
Aww poor girl , good luck with the vet , hope she gets sorted xx
So sorry for your loss :(xx
Families are great aren't they :rolleyes:. I'd be rather proud of jax ! Sam wouldn't have a clue , but my little terrier would do exactly the same...
Happy birthday Juno :cake::chuckle:
Thanks so much I was imagining all sorts , maybe rechargeable or come with apps :rofl:
:cool: Am I being incredibly stupid ... What's a smart bone :oops:
Good luck for your appointment, hope it goes well for you & bosley. These pups do like to cause us worry ! X
Yes , my dogs love them , although Sam likes the white ones best !
I wouldn't panic , one of ours was a shocking spud thief all her life X
Lovely ! I got one supposed to be for kids , dogs love it much more :) . So handy not having to pump the pool up now!
Aww poor Mabel & you , hope all goes well for you both xxx
Aww I'm so sorry xx it's so hard nursing them through to the end. I had similar issue last year with my old girlie , and like yourself many vet...
Well done Mabel ! X
I mind him off visiting too , he's no road sense at all ! Very lucky with our neighbours too , who have all been through it with their dogs and...
I feel your pain , I've 2 and a younger one who's stroppier than 2 teens :D