Poppy is unwell today she was in a right mess this morning when I woke her up, bad tummy and sickness she hasn't eaten all day I will cook her...
Hi All...Need pointing in the right direction please.. Poppy is nearly 15 months old and I have decided some serious training needs to start...
Re: Visit to the vets Hi I used adaptil tp calm Poppy after her Op...seemed to work very well for her. im lucky she is always quiet in the car...
Re: Bathing Ha ha laughed a lot....reading this....Poppy all bathed and cleaned bless her she was so shocked I think she just sat in the...
Re: Bathing Thanks all sounds like a lot of fun NOT!!! sunday is bath day hubbys around so hopefully she will behave..Ha Ha..she was sick because...
I have never bathed Poppy I usually take her to a dog groomer but unfortunately she was poorly in the night and obviously laid in her sick..sorry...
Re: Off lead on a road??? I would never trust Poppy without a lead near any Rd neither does my husband now after she took off the other week, but...
Re: Finally!!! Ha Ha you might not feel the same in a couple of days, Poppy a collie x Lab...much more Lab steals them off your feet, plus...
Re: Near Catastrophe! Oh Angela what a horrid few days, never used a long line so cant help there but would be interested to see how you get on,...
Can anyone recommend a trainer in and around Oxford one to one and someone that wont make me look useless but actually help me and Poppy.
Re: Me Again After two days of fighting on our walks and me ending in tears.....I took Poppy to the vets this morning, she cleared her anal...
Re: Update on Millie How lovely and lucky little Millie x
Sorry I seem to be full of questions at the moment....here we go Since Poppy has been spayed 3 weeks ago her lead behaviour has got worse and...
Re: Halti Harness Thankyou Angela I will read and digest its the opposite with Poppy she never pulls my husband trots along so well behaved, when...
Re: Halti Harness Hi Dexter Im not your name sorry.... I did have Halti Harness until today, it was around the body one I thought it would help...
Just bought Poppy this Harness to hopefully help with her pulling....put it on her today for her to get used to it, just went to take it off and...
Re: Result!!!! Hubby def wont take her without her lead again!!! Plus we had a good mad run in the field this morning where she ran and ran and...
Poppy has recovered from her op so lots of running done, new toy made, a ball in a sock kept her amused all weekend lol, no jumping on her...
Re: shedding coat I know Lynn think I could of made another dog out of all Poppy's hair I hovered up today, Nightmare!! Whats a furminator???/ :)
Re: In Tears with Poppy's antics Will check this out thanks Karen I have given Poppy cooked bones and ones from Pet shops I always thought raw...