Re: In Tears with Poppy's antics I don't know anything about raw feeding so maybe you could advise me sound abit yuk to
Re: In Tears with Poppy's antics Well we have been to the vet she is now allowed to run yippeeeee!!! But have been advised to change her food...
Re: In Tears with Poppy's antics Well just to let you know after another nightmare walk first thing this morning our lunchtime stroll was very...
Re: Oh dear Oh god how scary for you thank goodness he came back to you bless him, hope you've both recovered now xx
Re: In Tears with Poppy's antics Quick update...sorry to bore it helps to write it down...I am taking Poppy to the vet tomorrow just in case...
Re: In Tears with Poppy's antics Thanks for Sympathy, trust me when we get home after our wrestling match sorry I mean walk...she will be as good...
Re: In Tears with Poppy's antics Ok all Today Poppy has been really really bad on the lead jumping, grabbing lead, me, growling shes hurt me...
Re: In Tears with Poppy's antics At the moment I could easily strangle her....but then she looks at me with her big brown eyes...little Minx..ha ha
Re: In Tears with Poppy's antics Thanks all will def try some tricks today I have looked on you tube and there seems to be some good ones on...
Hi all Just had the most awful time with Poppy I think, hope, that she is just frustrated from being on crate and quiet time after op, we went on...
Re: Toilet training Hiya Training wise toilet training for Poppy was a breeze compared to lead and off lead training, I just took her out every...
Re: STICKS Poppy's swelling seems to have gone down a little today thankgoodness, I have bought a plug in calmer thing seems to have worked last...
Re: STICKS Thanks I did ask the vet for help....but they said I would just have to cope...but will try calmex hopefully it work even just a...
Re: Phantom pregnancy Ahh Bless her get well soon x
Re: STICKS No She shouldn't have a swollen belly I took her to the vets yesterday and they examined her and hopefully with lots of rest the...
Re: STICKS It was very scary Poppy ok today, still trying to keep her quiet due to her swollen belly internally shes very very bored and I have...
I now know why dogs and sticks don't mix, I always wondered what damage a harmless stick would do...Out walking Poppy tonight who's on short walks...
Re: OMG! OMG! Lovely dog....where do you get those toys from they look ideal for Poppy Lois
Re: Poppy and the indestructable toy!!!!! Hi All I need more MIND games, Poppy has swelling in her belly from her OP last week so has to have...
Re: Rescue Black lab wanted RSDR is run by amazing English family and they have some lovely dogs they all need love :) xx I sponsor a lovely dog...