Re: Gambling Effect Question Quick question Poppy is nearly 8months old is it too late to try clicker training with her?
Re: Eating grass Poppy eats grass i was always told as a kid by my Granny it was their medicine!! :)
Re: Tug of War....whilst on the lead!! Yes BBrown.....I think the can scares her half to death...poor thing..Right i have ordered a chain lead,...
Re: Tug of War....whilst on the lead!! Heidrun...just a normal lead about 4ft long and normal collar any suggestions greatly received
Re: Tug of War....whilst on the lead!! Still Struggling.... Hi This tug of war on the lead is getting very very stressful.. I did think we had...
Re: with photos! Lovely photos...Dont know how you manage with two little kiddies as well???? :)
Me Again :) I need ideas for indoor and outdoor games for my active collie x Lab pup... Thanks
Re: TTouch works Where can we read this?
Hi I seem to be asking all sorts of questions at the moment.. Poppy my six month old collie x Lab...goodness knows what else.we think a bit of...
Re: TANTRUMS Thanks Rachel...She could be coming into season would that account for bad behaviour? Patience and perserverence def needed. :)
Hi all Is it possible for dogs to have tantrums like a toddler? Poppy has been a right pain on her lead today tugging, jumping up, etc and ive...
Re: Off to Puppy Classes Tomorrow If i do get any tips will def pass them the moment its just trying to concentrate on what we are being...
Re: Off to Puppy Classes Tomorrow Second puppy class today....started off mad to be expected with eight various sized puppies..Unfortunateley...
Re: Tug of War....whilst on the lead!! I have discovered a trigger for Poppy's bad behaviour whilst on the lead she will pick something up that...
Re: Off to Puppy Classes Tomorrow Poppy just gets very excited with other dogs..whatever they are but especially fluffy ones but im hoping puppy...
Re: Off to Puppy Classes Tomorrow Well we've done it...I think it will be much better more trainers, less dogs and its outside, Poppy being...
Poppy and me are off to our second attempt at Puppy classes as she is a rescue pup we have to do these special classes the first attempt was...
Re: Hi from oxfordshire Hi from Poppy and me from Oxfordshire too x
Re: What type of food do people recommend please!! Thanks for info..Took Poppy for her 6 month check yesterday and the vet was very happy with...
Re: CNM Leigh so so gutted for you....xx