Re: "Mans Best Friend" You! Definately! Lol. But mum says there is not chance at all of me getting another dog... :'(
Re: "Mans Best Friend" No I'm just voting for dogs. If i was offered either a dog or a diamond.... I would without a doubt choose the dog. :) x
Re: Not that any of us need an excuse.... Although i really really want an iPhone, i would rather have a puppy.... For Christmas :) Muuuuuuuum! ;)
Re: "Mans Best Friend" Lol. Obviously you know which one i prefer :) x
I think the quote "mans best friend" is not true. Think they are more "girls best friend" Whoever said Diamonds were a girls best friend...
Re: Not that any of us need an excuse.... I could afford a dog to be honest mum lol :) ;) If i like spent all the money i earned on it... Haha x
Re: Not that any of us need an excuse.... See mum... Everybody agrees with me :) lol
Re: Moxon lead Lol Barbara! x
Re: Hi, I'm new. Oh my goodness! She is gorgeous! I love sleepy puppies! :) Welcome from me and Lilly (3 1/3 year old black labbie girl) x
Re: Moxon lead Yeah Barbara. We have a purple collar and lead for Lilly because people could never tell if she was a girl or boy, and that really...
Re: Not that any of us need an excuse.... aw :) Is there one that gives you reasons saying 2 dogs are great? I need something to persuade...
Re: Moxon lead That's one of the ones mum saw yesterday Barbara! I think I prefer the one Karen has. I am tempted to make mum get Lilly this...
Re: New Mat! Our mat is in between the two rooms we use most (kitchen and sunroom/conservatory). It is in the doorway... Although this is not...
Re: Bouncy pup Hi, Lilly was exactly the same when she was a pup, and sometimes still can be a little like that now (at the age of 3 and a...
Re: How long can I leave Him for? When Lilly was a bit younger (probably about 4-5 months) she got left with a frozen stuffed kong, but now she...
ok, so today when I got home from school I spotted a new mat in the kitchen. I asked mum what it was for and she said 'Its the next training task...
Re: Well I have moaned enough.. WOW she is absolutely Gorgeous! Sophie x
Re: Irresponsible dog owners arghhh!!! Thanks. I will remember that the next time someone says something to me :) x
Re: Irresponsible dog owners arghhh!!! Thank Helen. I would never be rude to someone i meet with their dog so thats not a problem lol. It just...
Re: Dietary Supplements Lilly doesn't try and catch bees or wasps (or that we know of!)