You literally just wrote EXACTLY what my 14 month old does...
My lab is a little older than a year and when anyone comes over he barks at them and to me is definitely seems fearful/insecure. He acts like he...
I’ve done a couple different things. He loves loves the command “touch” so I have done that but it is usually short lived. He will touch then...
On hikes if someone startled him (like comes up a path from the side) he will bark and back up. Or if we are hiking and he hasn’t seen anyone in...
hi! We have a 1 yeah old male lab and he is very timid. He barks when he meets new people so we tell them to just ignore him and then eventually...
My guy is a little over 1 and has done this since he was a puppy! It has gotten better (and we know it isn’t because he is tired now) but when he...
I’m sorry that happened to you! I know your girl has always been submissive but my trainer says that sometimes they have to “stand up for...
Great article!
I feel like you nailed what I mean right in the head! I had a German Shepherd before who was very friendly but no one ever asked to pet her....
Hi there! My guy is 14 months old and has “stranger danger”. We socialized him well at a puppy but he has always been insecure. If he is...
hi everyone! My guy just turned 1 and is still mouthy when he gets worked up. We exercise him really good twice a day and it helps so much!!! He...
I am having the same problem with my 1 year old. He keeps waking up earlier and earlier. I am concerned because it is getting darker outside in...
My guy is 11 months and when he is in a very excited state he bites still. We did a lot of bits inhibition work with him. Thinking it will take...
Hi! My guy will retrieve a ball or a stick perfectly from the water but on land he just chases it then sniffs something and drops the ball. Any...
I have an 11 month old who does the same thing! He barks and nips at me when he is over excited or when he is tired and can't settle. he usually...
My fiancé grew up with a lab that never barked... our 11 month old found his "voice" when he was about 4 months... he barks in the yard, at the...
Thanks everyone. His behavior seems really insecure. He is in level 2 of training but where he trains he is a confident dog! He is also confident...
I have done an excellent job trying to introduce my guy to new social situations and make everything a positive experience but over the last few...
Last night was the first successful night sleeping in the tent in the house (the things we do for our dogs!) I might try aborting night in the...
He was sleeping in a tent with just me, unfortunately it is a backpacking tent so not enough room for a kennel. I'm glad others dogs are a bit...