I tried to take my 10 month old camping for the first time and it didn't go great. He has never slept outside of his kennel and I could tell he...
My 10 month old has been doing this since we got him, usually if he wants to smell something or play at the park. I turn my back to him and ignore...
hi! My 10 month old is still mouthy. He bites when he is excited or wants something. In the mornings if I try to give him a toy he just wants to...
No it is that tall whispy grass. The kind that if you ran your finger down it you would probably be cut. It was the end piece of that
Thanks everyone! We got unlucky that it was that long grass! The vet says it is usually sticks or grass seed, but because that grass is so rough...
My 8 month old puppy didn't want to come out of his kennel this morning. When I looked at his face, his left eye was swollen. He slowly walked...
I feel you. I pushed to get a puppy and forgot how hard they are. It will all pay off as they age and you won't even remember all the attention...
Hi! I am at a loss on what to do. My 8 month old lab puppy only barks in backyard. He does it when people walk by, or when he hears noises. I...
We have the same thing going on in my house! I am working on "total recall" with Abner but have not tried it outside yet. I do let him off leash...
at what age did everyone's lab start really getting into fetch? I am looking forward to the days when I can go to the park with his ball and that...
Thanks everyone! I just couldn't believe it when he marked inside my house! He barely even sniffed before he hiked his leg up and marked! At the...
Hi all, I just need to vent a little. My guy is 7 months old and recently started hiking his leg and marking!! He does it when he is bored or...
My guy is the same way! He is 7 months and it was right around 6 months that he turned into a big teenager
I have a VERY stubborn puppy that lays down on walks! He will do this if we are passing a dog he wants to play with, passes the field that all the...
Is your dog neutered? I have found that my submissive guy (not neutered) gets a lot of dogs acting aggressive towards him when the owners say...
just bought one
Thanks everyone! I just purchased Pippa's total recall for my kindle! He used to respond to the "come" command really well until he reached around...
I am thinking about whistle training my guy for instances where he doesn't listen to come. I read and article about it and it suggested I should...
We have an almost 7 month old male. We are waiting to neither him until he is 1.5-2 years old to help protect his joints. He just started...