Re: Sophie Thanks everyone! Sophie seems to be better today; no fluid draining now from her bite. I took her for a walk (not the dog park) this...
Re: Sophie Thanks for thinking about us. Sophie is her happy self, playing with her stuffies, etc. The bite puncture on her hip is still oozing...
Re: Sophie Glad to hear your Billy recovered from his ordeal and luckily he had that big leather collar on. I was lucky that Sophie didn't have...
Re: Sophie Came back from the vet. I didn't realize Sophie's 2 puncture wounds were oozing that much until the vet shaved the 2 areas to have a...
Re: Sophie Thanks for all your kind words for Sophie and I. I'm taking her to the vet this afternoon because one of her bites is starting to...
Re: Sophie I'm so upset today. Sophie and I have been going to an Off-Leash dog park which she really enjoys playing with the other dogs. She...
Re: Sophie
Re: Sophie [img] One of these golden puppies will be Sophie`s little sister (Maggie). :) edited to display image
Re: Cuillin and Brodick Welcome to the forum. You do have your hands full with two, but like you said it's so much fun. I have a 10 month old...
Re: Hello! Welcome to the site. He's sooo cute - look at that face. A real beauty: :)
Re: Amber Here's two pictures of my much loved Amber: [IMG] [IMG]
Re: Sophie Here's some pictures of my girl Sophie :) [IMG] [IMG]
Re: Rest easy now little Flynn So sorry to hear the loss of your Little Flynn at such a young age. Poor little guy going through all that in his...
Hi Everyone: Sophie and I are new to the Forum. Our Sophie is a Yellow Labrador who is just over 9 months old. She's so full of energy, curious,...
Re: Amber Hi there: Thanks for welcoming Sophie and I. It'll be exciting at the end of November as we are bringing home a 8 week old Golden Girl...
Re: Juno: Queen of the heavens She's a very beautiful dog and the years spent together you'll always cherish.
Our pretty girl Amber passed away on Dec. 10/11 (12 yrs. old). She was diagnosed sometime ago with spleen cancer which eventually claimed her...