Re: What can I do? I totally agree, when exercised Rolo is a much calmer dog. In our area there are a few people who don't advertise as dog...
Re: Bob's got a girlfriend! Agh young love!
Re: Rolo's training log. Ok so this morning I need to get some sleep so before I go to bed I take Rolo out for a leaded walk (the last time was o...
Re: Rolo's training log. Julie T you bring me so much hope! Rolo trys to play and alĺ the other dog owners scoop their dogs up out of his way!...
Re: Rolo's training log. I know your right, I shouldn't be so hard on myself. I just want to give Rolo the best start that I can. I was telling...
Re: Rolo's training log. Ok so I have just back from puppy training (we were so much older and further behind than the other puppy's!). It was...
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hello Bud, (Pongo, Willow, Shadow, Bella and anyone else lucky enough to use the tippy tappy things) I am...
Re: Is The Forum Available For Access From a Tablet or Phone App? Yeah I never access this site on anything but my android smartphone and it...
Re: Is my boy ok? Lisa - thank you so much for your reply. I haven't as yet come across anyone who has been or is in the same position as me....
Re: Is my boy ok? Thank you so much for your replies. I have just spoken to another training club who do a lot of gundog training ans told her...
Re: Is my boy ok? Fuming! Just spoke to a local dog trainer, when we first brought Rolo home ummed and arghed about wether to do clicker...
As I'm sure a lot of you are aware Rolo has an issue with resource guarding. If he has his food in his bowl or in his kong or even in his buster...
Re: Rolo's training log. Ok so this morning something clicked in my head and I decided I am no longer going to be pulled on our lead walks so I...
Re: drooling/dribble! Interesting. Thanks guy's look forward to it getting worse...not!
Re: drooling/dribble! Yeah it was very strange because no food around. Was wondering if it was his teeth? Like children salivate more when teething.
Rolo is proper full on drooling! It's dripping from the sides of his mouth! Why is this?
Re: 4 paws in a box.... I tried today. Rolo just kept looking at me as to say wtf? I will try again tomorrow but before I put it down I will pay...
Re: Rolo's training log. So today I have been doing more sits, still not using the verbal cue. He is doing really well. Obviously he knows when a...
Re: Alternative suggestions Reading this thread strikes a cord with me on so many levels. Molly I love how you are not only training your dog...
Re: Alternative suggestions Can't help you with any suggestions just wanted to say I am going to watch this thread avidly as I can relate to a...