Is the raw chicken based? If so, there's a chance she could be senstitive to the chicken? It seems lots of dogs are these days.
Hi. She's making her own entertainment up and not focussing on you. Try engaging with her a bit more, make yourself more exciting! Play games,...
My pup at 14 weeks had a last wee at 9pm and slept through until 6am. Give it a try!
Yes it's all a bit much having a pup for the first time. Everyone has an opinion, google has lots of advice and it becomes overwhelming. What...
Sounds like you need to go back to early puppy training. Practice leaving him in the crate for a few minutes when you leave him (with others in...
Personally I would not have any toys or a soft bed in the crate, especially at night, just the vet bed. He sounds like he's overtired, resulting...
Lucy probably won't be impressed, but as long as you have a space for her where she can't be hassled by the pup she will be fine. My 7yr old dog...
Hi, the best way to know when to mate is to progesterone test, otherwise you are guessing. My girl was ready to mate on day 16!
Have a look at raw feeding... Nutriment, Natural Instinct. My 10 week old pup had very soft poo and lots of it... Changed to raw within 24hrs...
Ask the pup to sit, reward, put collar on and reward. I assume this is his morning walk and that he's already been let out in the garden for a wee?
Hi, discourage and redirect the behaviour.
Hi, using different cars really shouldn't be a problem. I use a soft crate initially strapped on the back seat and then as the pup gets used to...
Hi, at 10 weeks I was taking my (now 12 weeks) pup out every 20-30 mins. Everytime she has a wee I say "quick quick" and praise, and very quickly...
Lovely pup, looks perfect to me. My labs are very long in the body and look like they're crossed with a Whippet when they are young dogs!