Hugo and Bailey guarding the pantry![ATTACH]
Ooh Gaston is gorgeous! Welcome from me and Bailey in Adelaide, Australia:hi:So sorry to hear of your loss-our dogs take large pieces of our...
Hi from me and Bailey in Adelaide.:) I’ve responded to your ‘Kong’ thread. It’s a bit confusing, but did you say you’re getting a rubber Kong...
Hi Maxx’s mum I too live in Australia and Kongs are available here in pet shops, some training groups and many, many Australian online pet...
She was just lovely. Hugs:hug:
You’ve made the bravest decision for Shadow. May your memories of him give you comfort in the difficult days ahead:hug:
Thinking of you today:hug:
What a beautiful girl she was. Precious memories.
We lost our first much adored Lab and I swore I would never have another. We had perfection with Cooper and I couldn’t see another dog living up...
Bailey could have a three course meal on some walks. Our best on one walk was as a whole piece of toast, an almost whole apple and finally part of...
So sorry. Play happily across that Rainbow Bridge Big H :hug:
I took my then 4 month old pup to the vet for his heartworm vaccination and as the vet picked him up Bailey tried to ‘mouth’ the vet. I know he...
Thankyou so much for your reply. Hugo has only had the two seizures so far and they seem to have been on the mild side, if there is such a thing...
Thanks so much for your replies. The information is very helpful. Hugo was here last evening after the latest seizure and was alert and happy. He...
My daughter has a 12 month old Chocolate Lab, Hugo, who is Bailey’s half brother-same sire, same breeder. About six months ago Hugo had a seizure....
It’s ‘work’ related for me. Isn’t it? :nod:
Rest easy Jemma-gone to Rainbow Bridge as a much loved dog. Hugs to your parents
We too have a Bailey, though not with such an awful disease. I am so sorry you and he are going through this-he really is a beautiful pup. My...
The chicken is on the handlebars of your motorbike?:confused: I’m glad you’re not in Adelaide at the moment then. In the coming week we’re...
Oh poor Bandit. I hope he recovers-thoughts and hopes x