Re: is it really better with two or more? I think that's great advice too!
Re: It's not what you expect under the wood pile! Me 2!
Re: John's idea! What a wonderful adventure you have been on to find the dog of your dreams. I can't wait to see the photos!
Re: What Benson gets up too when I am not around! What lovely photos! Buddy has a dog walker 2-3 times a week and he loves jumping in the dog...
Re: So proud :) That's so lovely to hear!
Re: What a difference a week makes!!! I'm also in favour of the 'swap' method when dead rabbits/ birds/ rats (!) are picked up by Buddy on our...
Re: Petco (in the US) is banning all dog food and treats from China That's quite thought provoking. Will be looking very closely at country of...
Re: Buddy and the BBQ Hollysdad Sr. Member Posts: 338 Re: Saw this and thought of you! « Reply #4 on: Today at 03:59:21 pm » Quote Before...
Re: Saw this and thought of you! That really made me smile!
Re: How much does your puppy weigh? Buddy at 7 months is 23 kg but has still lots more growing to do. I'm only concerned about his weight so I...
Re: Crime and Punishment The photo of 'the crime' is amazing!
Re: Haley! (pictures) Oh my! We all want a small puppy now! Lucky you!
Re: Horse bandage I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your lovely boy Sam. It's heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing the information about...
Re: Swollen head and hot spots Hi Yvonne, I'm so sorry to hear about the hot spots. I'd definitely go back to the vets for some further advice....
Re: Charlie is Limping Badly the results I'm so pleased the medication is working. Best wishes to you & Charlie,
Re: Eating things which are not food Any signs of tummy ache? Hope it makes an appearance soon! My lovely boy Teddy ( now sadly passed) ate my...
Re: Buddy and the BBQ Thanks for the messages! I'm pleased to report that Buddy is back to his usual self so no trips to the vet were needed. The...
We had a bit of a scare with Buddy at a BBQ yesterday as he pounced on a sausage that fell from the hot BBQ coals. My husband stood on it, but...
A week has passed since I said goodbye to my beautiful, faithful friend Fudge. I know at 13 she had a long and happy life, but I miss her...
Re: Feeling SO sad Buddy is clearly missing Fudge as much as the rest of our family, as he is noticeably subdued whilst at home and in the...