Re: Mass Cell Tumours Hi there. I know it won't be long before I'm going to have to travel down the same road with my older dog, as her condition...
Re: Lovely Chocolate Charlie Wishing you a VERY happy time with your chocolate boy!
Re: Thread: Newbie - Introduction Welcome to the forum! Hope you find it as useful as I do!
Re: Eating cat poo = runny poo? I'm having a similar problem with my puppy Buddy (5 and a half months), but he likes to roll in it first!...
Re: New puppy incoming I'm really excited for you! Love the photos!
Re: Today's article: What is the best age gap between two dogs After losing our 4 year old lab Teddy, my 13 year old lab Fudge was bereft and...
Re: Ruining my lawns! Hi there, the dog rocks have worked with my older dog (but must be changed regularly) but my pup Buddy just sees pulling...
Re: Larynx problem in 13 year old lab Since Fudge has been on the rice, chicken and scrambled egg (latter is her favourite!) her tummy is much...
Re: Larynx problem in 13 year old lab Thank you so much for your replies. Unfortunately the steroid tablets (I only gave one dose) have given...
My veteran female labrador Fudge has been finding it difficult to breathe and has not been able to walk far for the past week. She makes awful...
Re: Hello, New Puppy! Hi. Welcome to you and Penny! I'm Caroline and I have an eleven week old lab Buddy and a 12 year old lab Fudge. It sounds...
Re: hello Hi Elaine and Fawkes. I'm Caroline and I have a 12 year old choc lab Fudge and a new little choc chap called Buddy (8 weeks). Although...
Re: My Jax isn't well Hi Lisa Love to you and your family. I'm sure Jax will be back to his usual self in no time. I've tried scrambled egg with...
Re: We have a new buddy! Thank you for your messages. Buddy is settling in well and seems pretty chilled- no crying at night (possibly because he...
Hi, I am pleased to report that following the sad passing of our beautiful lab Teddy (see Rainbow Bridge) the letter writing of my two little boys...
Re: Dog Tongue Ulcers You and your lovely dog are in my thoughts. X
Re: The appointment is made..... I'm so pleased the op went well and your lovely boy is on the road to recovery.
Re: Missing you so much Thanks Stacia: my boys loved your quote: "we are not replacing our dog in our hearts but creating a new space" :)...
Re: Missing you so much Thank you everyone who has posted a response. It has really helped! My two boys have written a letter to my husband & I...
Re: Missing you so much Thank you all. Our 12 year old female lab Fudge is missing him the most- she will not go out unless another doggie friend...