She will be back to her racing weight in no time! All noted also about weight versus planned joint surgery. Kill joys! ;)
Indeed! I should be reported to the RSPCA or someone! Anyway she's now on a diet and already not liking it as she wasn't allowed a corner of my...
When she thinks there should be more food she stands and stares at me with her ears forward, no blinking and her front legs slightly apart. :)
The vet thinks the swelling is almost certainly a Lipoma and at this stage just keep an eye on it and come back if it changes significantly....
If I can figure out how to post it, and I can get her to keep still, I'll photograph them and post it up. :D
Yes I'm trying to be not too worried at this stage as I think it's probably not anything serious. Can't ignore it though for obvious reasons.
Been all over her with my hands and can't find any more.
Hopefully just a fatty deposit. It's not inflamed or anything like that.
Just showing the grey muzzle hairs to my son-in-law while he was playing with Lady and he spotted quite a large soft swelling under one of her...
Perhaps I'd better get her an appointment to get her grey hairs dyed black. :p
She's 7 (last September).
Oh no! Middle age setting in? Just noticed that the hairs on the SBD's chin are going grey! She doesn't seem to mind. :)
My cousin has just sent me a nice metal plaque that I have put on the wall next to the fireplace for all to see. It says, "I work hard so my dog...
Just to agree with the above. I gave my dog, Lady, lots of on-lead exposure to sheep gradually closing the gap and then lead walking through...
Little white diamond on Lady's chest.
Deep breath. Breath out slowly. And relax! :)
Hello from Lady (7 year old) and me. My girls is 100% working dog and I do work her in the winter but the rest of the year, ie the vast majority...
My dog, Lady, has ED in both elbows and was operated on when she was just 3 years old. She had a weakness in her coronoid processes which were...
Thanks, Angela. Yes she seems fine now thank you.