@snowbunny Gotcha! And yes that's a good point about the Handbook being about all puppies. I also have the Lab specific one which I'm working...
Thanks Snowbunny that was an interesting read. I'm a bit confused though, should we not take him to puppy parties? I'm trying to follow the...
Thank goodness for that xD Makes me feel a bit less sheepish hehe
The other puppy owners were looking rather concerned! No other Labs though, the other three were a Cocker, Cockapoo, and Springer.
@jessieboo I can just picture that lol Glad it all sounds normal!
Thanks @Boogie that's good to hear! It started out with all 4, then the nurse switched to one on one, round robining the dogs so they all got a...
Last night we took Taiyo (almost 9 weeks) to his first puppy party at the vet's. There were 3 other dogs, 2 male and 1 female, all older than him...
Those eyes <3
Thanks all for the lovely comments :) @Dexter Yes it is but that one was because the name the rescue gave her was Chiquita, which we weren't...
Yes that's average, I've seen anywhere from £18 - £30. Worth it though imo, unless you have other options.
There are home-away-from-home style house boarders, some of which take on puppies. I'm not sure where you live but you could seek out something...
Re: the loo while traveling, if your pup is used to puddy pads/newspaper, can try that. Ours isn't so he refused to go on it when we took him out.
PS: here he is with it :inlove: [IMG]
Get him a cuddly stuffed toy the approximate size he is to cuddle with in his crate at night. I didn't have one since I figured he'd just destroy...
He was on a raw diet but she switched him over to kibble for us. I'm blanking on what it was called, had a pink label :confused: He's on Lily's...
Thanks @Stacia, we're going to his first puppy party at the vets on Monday so I'll ask them in person then since it doesn't sound like an...
@Stacia I just went through the vet paperwork and realised the drops on his back were also treating worms :oops: I thought it was just fleas...
@Boogie I recognise that blue spray bottle lol
Thanks Boogie :) Cutie pie pup btw!
Well it didn't sound hollow, I assume that would be bloat if it did?