Fox red... how beautiful!!! Can't wait to see pics!! My pics of the litter are on a post I wrote a couple of weeks ago I think? It will be amazing...
Hehehe! I'll try and get lots of photos of him that will last me the next 3 weeks until he comes home with us! :o Lots of puppy pics from BuffyDog...
:D Thanks so much!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeek! I'm not ;) I'm trying to keep calm haha! Oh definitely!! Getting our pups around the...
How exciting!!!! :D We are getting our pup (first one) in a few weeks too, and we are meeting him for the first time (5 weeks old) on Saturday!...
Thank you so much!!!! :D
Wow ten days old, that's wonderful!!!! They grow so fast too don't they... it's crazy!! Aww she sounds wonderful!!! Hehehe I bet!! We have many...
Thank you!!! Aww how amazing!!! Bless you going through such a heartbreaking loss. :( These things do definitely take time! Wow it was definitely...
Thank you so much!!! :D That's amazing!!! Your girl is a beauty from your profile picture!!!! Thank you!!
Thank you!!!! Aww love your pup's name (it's the name of our old caravan!) Thank you for telling me about what it's like for you, and now 7 months...
What a beauty!! And I love her name!! Enjoy every minute! I have no advice as our pup has only just been born, but your photo is getting me very...
:D:o Thank you!!!
Hahaha oh my I can imagine how tiring it can be! I'm a little used to it with having a nearly 4 year old son, but I'm sure it will bring another...
Lisa thank you!!! A lot of people don't realise how much you should look into and research... I thought I had some clue until I read the book and...
Thank you!!! :D:D:D
Aww thank you so much - I've just learnt so much from Pippa and this forum and I'm so thankful! Eeeeeek exciting times for you then BeataK!!! I...
So exciting!!!!! :D - That face doesn't do it justice!! I love that photo too Joy, It's so beautiful how mothering she is with them.
Aww!! I absolutely love the name Juno by the way!! That's lovely that you had the rota in place! That's lovely also that you waited until things...
Thank you :D We wanted to make sure we did everything as right as we could, read up so much... we are the type of people who research and look...
Thank you!!!! There aren't words for how excited we are!!!!!! :D They reminded me of wriggly worms too!!! Mum is so so beautiful, and Dad is...