Oh so many puppies comming soon:tail:. Congratulations!!
Bear went through this phase, I tried the suggestions above, I ended up resorting to treating him for sitting, eventually the routine became oh we...
Try saying no to those eyes:angel:, such a beautiful puppy
And cream:nod:
Yay another chubby puppy:D, so your saying I could have 3 Labradors?....hehe
This forum has been great at resolving these misunderstandings. I had a similar issue last week, a wet muddy puppy and a muddy hole in the lawn....
The only name that's off the list is George. With Bear tipping the scales at 40kg's now, I am worried the introduction might go something like...
Haha, so many good names, I always struggle with a name. Whenever we say "come on Bear", it sounded like we are saying camembert...lol
We also planned to have our past dogs teach the next generation, but they both passed within 6 months of each other (very sad time of our lives)....
Trying to decide on logistics, but it is looking like just before Christmas, so yes busy:D
We have always had 2 dogs, so it was always planned that Bear would have a brother. Bear was born on 29th February (a leap year baby :)), so he is...
We were late home tonight, so feeling pretty guilty as Bear was so excited to see us. Made up for it with tug of war and soccer, he is now...
Not a stupid question at all (I tried to make the graph as large as possible and in doing so cut out the axis), I have updated the graph to show...
I think you have jinxed me on the levelling out statement:D, he certainly was heading that way, but he has obviously decided he wants to do...
Hi all, Well a few weeks have passed so quickly (so much for my idea of updating the graph in a few days...lol). Bear was weighed yesterday and...
It's getting hot in Australia now, so I've introduced a nice big water tub (basically big enough for Bear to stand in:D). Being a Labrador he...
Bear was 35 weeks old (8 months) yesterday and weighed in at 37.2kg's (slow weekly increases in weight now, which is probably a good thing given...
Hehe, I love Bruce's honk!! I have to admit I prefer the insisting in the morning over the midday one, where he brings his stuffed frog that he...
I was trying to eat breakfast, but I think Bear is trying to ask me something. You can see he has already brought over the frog as a possible...
Yes fortunately "no caterpillars were harmed during the making of this film":) Bear is very different to my previous lab, he can chew chunks off...