Bear loves his caterpillar soft toy, but it's a "supervise" toy (lots of stuffing), so it's not crate suitable. It appears caterpillar was too...
Feeling better and on the right road to recovery thankfully. @Rosie, thank you for the kind words. Bear certainly seemed bigger in a week Just...
Hi all, Bear is now 32 weeks (yesterday) and weighed in at 36.1kg's. Finally got a chance to get on the computer and upgrade the graph....
Bear is now 30 weeks old and weighs 35.8kg's:eek:. I have to apologise, I have missed a few weeks of weighing and updating the graph (went to...
Happy 1/2 birthday to Bear:tail:. Bear is now 26 weeks old and weighs 32.5kg's
They certainly do know how to make you worry. I had some family visit last weekend, and they had seen Bear when we first got him, they were...
Just measured Bears height, he is now 56cm at the withers
Another week has passed, and Bear is now 25 weeks old. I weighed him today and he is now 31.6kg's. It was a bit of a stressful week this week...
Jen, He looks very handsome and well in proportion from the photo's I have seen, it's funny because I always worry from the other end, I...
Hi all, Had a bit of a scare with Bear (regurgitated a sock yesterday, which I did a post on). With this, and my concerns he may have gotten...
I was just comming here to say Bear just went to the toilet, so all clear, now you tell me this:eek:. He seems healthy and happy, so hopefully...
hi all, Bear is nearly 25 weeks now, and he has only been sick once before, but when I heard the retching noise, I thought I knew what was...
We had a 4 hour trip and completely forgot to take a toy, so our first stop was a pet shop (which we saw on the way up) for a chew toy as Bear was...
My boy Bear is 2 weeks short of 6 months old, and has been going to the toilet by himself since probably 3 months (night time and raining was the...
I am a bit late updating the graph this week (usually post it a day earlier, it's been a busy week). I weighed Bear yesterday, he is now 24...
@Rosie I nearly lost your post in this weeks photo's and weight updates (great to see all these updates, especially the images, all handsome or...
We had to build a retaining wall this weekend, and the entire family had a go. Bear (nearly 5 1/2 months), watches, impressed at mum's effort in...
Only a few weights submitted this week, but some awesome puppy photos:). Here is an updated graph for this week [IMG]
Xena is looking beautiful, I love the expression on her face in that photo
Can we see some more of Xena:)