Thanks, I wish I could get some better shots, I took about 30 photos, most had no head, a blur, ears in the air as he is running to jump up on my,...
I have lots of Bear tries to sit in our lap, bear uses my head as a pillow (he doesn't know what personal space is:)), but didn't have "just Bear"...
Bear has turned 22 weeks old and although last week he looked like he was slowing down he gained another 1.1kg's this week, he is now 28.1kg's....
Bear only had a 700g gain this week:eek:, his body has finally decided it should slow down and join the graph:D. He is 21 weeks old and weighed...
Bear is now 20 weeks and weighs 26.4kg. I measured his height at the withers today, it was 53cm (I would love to hear how that compares with...
Haha, that had me cracking up:D "perfectly behaved"....well except the underwear incident...hehehe.
Bear is now 19 weeks old, took him away on a weekend trip this week, and although he is still such a puppy he behaved very well and we had a lot...
We were invited to catch up with family, but it was a 4 hour trip each way and we would need to book into a motel, and we just didn't feel...
Well lots of weights this week (thank you to everyone who posted). Bear is now 18 weeks old and 23.7kg. Here is an updated Graph [IMG] I am...
Hi EllisandDougie, I love this thread as it shows just how varied our Labradors can be in weight. For me and my boy Bear it reminds me of the...
Thanks everyone for the replies, and the great stories:D. The times it has happened, it really has been our fault, and it's so occasional that I...
Hi all, Bear is 17 weeks old now, and as far as house training goes, I am very happy with his efforts, but I had a question about getting to...
Bear is now 17 weeks and 21.5kg's, this week saw a slight decline in weekly weight increase (which I think is good, I would prefer to have him...
Bear was laying on the mat today waking from a snooze, still too sleepy to be bothered to get a toy, but awake enough to want to play with...
Bear is now 16 weeks old, just had his third injection (excited at being able to go anywhere with him shortly). I forgot to post last weeks...
Another week gone, Bear is now 14 weeks old and he has reached 43cm tall and weighed in at the vets at 16.8kg My brother-in-law saw him today (he...
My Storm used to do these crazy runs all the way up until his passing at 13 years old. He was a big lab (43kg at ideal shape), at full pace it was...
Thank you everyone, very much appreciated!! A friend gave me a horse lunging lead, and as predicted, Bear was the perfect gentleman with it on...
Hi all, Bear is 13 weeks old and he is a great puppy, sure he does things wrong (no puppy can be perfect), but we are certainly happy with how...
Oh I am so jealous:). We live 10 min to the lake and 30 min to the sea, but we are holding off until Bear is fully immunised (which is another few...