Re: Getting a new puppy I'm very surprised at the price of pups :o I paid £250 for mine two years ago, which was about £50-£100 below market...
Re: Sofa on or off? Mine have a sofa of their own :)
Re: Charlie's June Training You could clicker train not running in on the retrieve ;) Keeping the dogs focus on you is all about being more...
Re: Teaching the down The dog will not think it's part of a chain, Sit is a different command. I found it easier to have the dog in a sit...
Re: Teaching the down This is how I did it with two dogs with fast results. 1. Put the dog in a sit. 2. Put the treat in between the dogs legs...
Re: Help! I'm stressing! Lead on round the animals = no stress ;) Go have fun with your friends and your dog :)
Re: Why doesn't the UK have dog parks??? If we had dog parks it would be the last place I'd take my pup. Teaching it off lead romping is not...
Re: NEW article: Should you say NO to your Labrador You added punishment for some reason.......I didn't. Don't take it so personally. This is a...
Re: NEW article: Should you say NO to your Labrador Or would a stern NO!!! Saved you months of training (and roast chicken) on one thing and...
Re: NEW article: Should you say NO to your Labrador Does that work (kissey clicking sound) in situations where your dog is in chase/prey drive...
Re: NEW article: Should you say NO to your Labrador Just tried it on my dogs and they wagged their tails. I'm not convinced. Any noise heard by...
Re: NEW article: Should you say NO to your Labrador No as a command is as important as the other 4 corner stones of dog training, those being...
Re: What Benson gets up too when I am not around! From the first photograph it looks like Benson it getting some training from your dog walker...
Re: NEW article: Should you say NO to your Labrador I'm curious about this. Tsst tsst is just a sound, like no no or agh agh. Unless the dog is...
Re: Yuk... Found mine tucking into a (new) brillo pad yesterday. Ya don wonder just 'how smart' they really are :)
Re: Barking in outdoor kennel When something disturbs mine at night it's a case of Woof Woof Woof Woff Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof (breath) Woof...
Re: That's it - I'm giving up Sorry you had a bad experience, this should be fun. I think I was lucky too, We only had 8 in the class and also...
Re: Ewe there! Training paid off. Result :)
Re: An annoying visitor That's one for the dog warden. They will have to pay to get it back and your name will not be mentioned so no...
Re: Retrieving NOT :( Like Oberon said maybe there was something more interesting for your dog to investigate but if you recalled him the instant...