Re: Retrieving NOT :( If he ran after it and picked it up I would say his desire is there he just does not know what to do with it when he gets...
Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Starting soon - Photo competition Are professional photographers photos of our dogs allowed?
Re: Today's the day! That is exciting. Have fun :)
Re: What to teach your puppy first That's a great example of how to do it right. Problem is people don't follow it through and they think one day...
Re: Heel command? Heel on lead? or? A completely futile excersize with a 9.5 week old on a lead with so much potential for it to go horribly...
Re: What to teach your puppy first I agree 100% At 8 weeks old and for quite some time after puppies want to be close to you and bound back with...
Re: Did I mess up fetch?? Try forgetting all about commands for now, try having fun with your pup. Next time you play fetch try saying nothing...
Re: Feeding schedule - this look OK? From the pup's point of view that's 10 step's to get her food that I can see, possibly more for the pup!...
Re: What am I doing wrong :( Some pup's take a lot longer than others and if I was being perfectly honest it sounds like you are getting on...
Re: Feeding schedule - this look OK? Whoops lots of reply's while I was typing that out :)
Re: Feeding schedule - this look OK? It's not the way I would feed a pup of that age, I would be feeding 4 times a day up to 3 months then move...
Re: My darling Casper Thanks for sharing :) Made me laugh and cry, I've a sock monster, and also an ever growing pile of single socks :) Better...
Re: American Labradors? English Labradors? In America they refer show dogs as English labs. They refer to American labs as we do working labs....
Re: Project Puppy Dogs can't count lol :)
Re: Project Puppy This is why it's so interesting. Graphs mean nothing nor do opinions. Doing it means everything.
Re: Feeling SO sad :'(
Re: Project Puppy Chunky is an excuse to be fat. I hear it all to often :(
Re: Project Puppy Well done you for trying this. I sincerely wish you all the best with this project and look forward to following your progress.
Re: Project Puppy Very interesting project. Would you be planning on doing working tests or trials or just picking up.
Re: Posting a Photo Directly Test using Mona Lisa symbol (below Bold symbol) and copy paste link from Dropbox. Edited.....that didn't work...