Re: Labrador Puppies Home Alone - your thoughts I often wonder if it would arouse the same strong feelings if the person said they worked...
Re: Leaving puppy at home alone - advice needed Lucky pup :)
Re: How often to vaccinate The initial vaccinations have done many pet owners for their dogs lifetime. Boosters boost vets pockets though thats...
Re: Leaving puppy at home alone - advice needed Hi Robbie, Just to reassure you that your pup will be absolutely fine (certainly not ideal but...
Re: It had to happen eventually ..... I would doub't it, If she does do the same. (that's if you never want her to do it. People with counter...
Re: Slimdoggy - the next instalment Those Austrailian show dogs are fit, athletic and look in great condition. I'd be proud to own one. Quite a...
Re: PLEASE VOTE: Testing the newsletter A 'container' for the text for an example would be a Microsoft word document, those without Microsoft...
Re: PLEASE VOTE: Testing the newsletter If it helps to narrow down what the problem is I am using Gmail and received no content. What was the...
Re: PLEASE VOTE: Testing the newsletter I got mine and thought the test had failed as the message was empty ;) All Clarified now :)
Re: Jumping! I teach 'sit' with food from day one with an 8 week old pup. That's the way life goes on from that point. Its not too long before...
Re: Oh So Sick of the Bitting.... The whole point is to 'respond' teach without physical punishment. Which is covered in what I quoted.
Re: Oh So Sick of the Bitting.... Spraying a puppy with water might stop the biting but it will not teach it anything about bite inhibition, the...
Re: Ok to use slip lead That's an excellent way to diminish the behaviour of pulling/lunging, keep at it and soon you will have a very well...
Re: Black dog syndrome (sad) I'm from Ireland, saying black dogs are descriminated against in Ireland is a joke!
Re: Black dog syndrome (sad) That's a cracker ;)
Re: Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day You where lucky you caught the Phantom Pregnancy on, I didn't with my first...
Re: Morning Barking This is a spray...
Re: When did you crack the heal walk? That depends on your definition of cracked ;) :D :D
Re: Whining while walking (how's that for alliteration?!) What is it that you are rewarding or wanting to reward?
Re: Moxon lead I liked the look of it myself when I saw photo's in another thread :)