Thanks for the replies I Tried again today I ended up carrying her I sent my husband photos of us out for walk - me half killed trying to carry...
Our 4 month old Labrador is driving me crazy she won’t walk when we go for a walk she sits or lies on the road I end up carrying her or dragging...
Thanks everyone for advice
Our 14 week old puppy has only barked about 3 or 4 times since we got her is this normal ? She has settled in really well she hasn’t cried much at...
Welcome from me & Daisy I am only new as well Lady is beautiful how old is she x
we have a few photos exactly like this
Thank you everyone for the lovely comments x
Pepper is beautiful he reminds me so much of our last Labrador Timmy he was a great dog
We went for a small walk today she did great she didn’t stop or lie down
Thank you, Daisy and I are from Ireland
hi all Just want to say hello we have a 12 week old pup we called her Daisy she has settled in so well but hates going for walks she loves it...