Just took Amy out for an extra walk with the weather been so warm. Everyone else had the same idea, so she had lots of play times. Recalled...
Re: Happy Birthday Poppy Happy birthday Poppy!
Re: how much sleep does a dog need ? Amy is asleep most of the time in the house now! Even hubby was doing some DIY and she sat watching him!...
Re: Crufts Top gear here too now! Added some pictures to Facebook too, so will do so here soon!
Re: It's true what they say about chocolates! Love that one. Sometimes I am that squished by Amy!
Re: The red mist... Always something to do with them, thought we where ok in that field to relax! She must be tired after her long walk, just...
Lovely day here so I took Amy out for a longer walk. Right at the end of the field she flushed her first pheasant. She was off like a shot after...
Re: Benson has never barked... Amy is a barker! I think I might have taught her to bark in the garden instead go stopping it. She barks at...
Re: Anyone near me ?? Cool! Really not that far then. My hubby works in that area but we are a bit further south.
Re: Anyone near me ?? I am in County Durham! Don't think any one is near me. But I did have a dream that I discovered Lochan was my vet!
Re: being unkind to your dog?! And what do you think of the Wombles???
Re: Small Labradors Amy was weighed today, she is about 26kg!
Re: " That " look ! This is going back to the commands your dogs know thread. Amy knows " go to bed, I need to get the boys"
Re: Tarka and Lochan are naughty again...... Argh!
Re: Lovely Chocolate Charlie Me too! I was planning on going to work on the day Amy gets spayed but I don't think I will manage it! (I know,...
Re: Lovely Chocolate Charlie Will be thinking about you all too.
Re: Laugh It Up Fuzzball - AKA Scout! Can't wait to show this too my boys!!!
Re: A very different walk Lovely! Really hope they can get out more together.
Re: Cruciate and ears update Can we see a recent picture of him? I bet he looks slimmer than Amy now.
Re: Frisbee is good walking with me/terrible with wife, kids. My hubby long ago gave up walking Amy. ( I am a stay at home mum, who kids now go...