thankyou boogie,we are going to try a new approach thankyou once again,,we are now going to try her bed in the kithen with no crate,she can not...
thankyou for your help boogie,would I be able to leave peanut in a pen in the lounge without her escaping?we only have enough room in the...
peannut is now ten weeks old and we have sorted the night crating out. I sleep next to her on an air bed and she is an angel and goes straight to...
thankyou so much fiona for my picture of peanut,isnt she sooooh lovely.I will try and get an upright one soon.good luck and bestwishes ruth and...
what adog!! good luck and love to you allxxx ruth and peanut.
not enough room for the crate,but, I have slept next to peanut on an air bed last two nights and wow progress!!!thankyou for your help. ruth and...
hi jojo83,,thabkyou for your reply,I slept next to peanut last night and all good. I have taken delivery of an air bed today so I will be more...
thankyou snow bunny,I would like your email then I will get my partner to send pic. via email.thankyou for your help,if you could make it my...
very sorry for you all, we will be thinking of you and your brave dog.we are all with you at thi.s terrible time.ruthx
I would like to pay a£10 subscripsion and send pictures of my new pup I am terrible with computers so help is needed.I have taken pics with my...
dont panic janesolo, we have just had peanut six days and she is 8wks old. she doesnt bite like a crocodile,its more like an alligator!!!,but, it...
thankyou boogie,we will get her asmaller crateas soon as poss.thankyou so much.ruthx
hi mAster bowie,welcome from ruth and peanut my 8 1/2 wk old yel lab.derbyshire uk.
hi new dog owners dear sion,so very sorry for you all,but, if anyone can helpthis forum will.thinking of you ruth and peanutxx
thankyou boogie,would you keep. the pup in a smaller crate,but, in the bedroom or would you just keep her on a small bed,the trouble with the box...
thankyou for your help,I dont feel alone with this forum,you are all so kind ruth
thankyou naya,very good advice,unfortunately we live in a park home,rooms. very small,the only room the crate fits is the lounge,but, I could try...
thankyou so mucch for your help the car issue is. not car movement,because when we fetched her she travelled for two hours very happily on my...