amazing video!what a wonderful daddy I loved watching this.ruthxx
welcome teddy and his mum,what abeautifull pair your dogs are!xx
difficult times for you all love and best wishes,we have all had difficult times, but, everybody here is with you,with help and lots of love and...
well done little basil keep up the goodwork everyone.brilliant news,.
I am sure you two will beat this,keep the little one happy,he is so beautiful and if anyone can help you this forum will!!
well dne you two terrific!!!
welcome to the forum, I have had a lot of help from everyone here, I am sure you will too.lovely dogs everybody!
thankyou for your help im hoping it will help our pup too.ruth
tha thankyou so much,I think it will be a positive experience and I will be with her throughout. sorry to keep asking all these questions,just...
thankyou so much,we will do our best try and get her used to sverything.ruth.
fetching our 8wk old pup early jan,cant wait!! plan to socialize pup lots. we have been given a date for big refurb of our park home in March...
brilliant job you all do!!
I plan to feed my pup on acana puppy kibble,can I also feed some raw food in her kongs. and can I give her chicken wings.ruth?
I intend to feed my pup acana puppy kibble. is it okay to put some raw food in her frozen kong,and to give her raw chicken wings as well?
I have read the happy puppy book,but, I am unsure how and when to use my pups name in any training excercises. please can you help, I dont want to...
thankyou once again good sound advice.ruth
thankyou so much for your help, I think we are going to take a patch of artificial grass with us,as we are going to try and use this at home as...
thankyou for your help,our nearest super market is15 mins away so a round trip would be45mins with socializing. I have got a strip of artificial...
when you first start socializing your8wk old pup for instance at the supermarket,how do allow for toilet breaks when out and about, if you cannot...
thankyou so much ruth.