Tara is a devil for eating wood - any stick up the park will do, chomping it up like matchwood. Vet says it will do no harm, but I do worry when...
Tara is now 14 months old, but still jumps up at people (in a friendly way), but it is not appreciated by everyone. I think some of it is because...
There is a small (2 sq. yd.) area that she also digs in, which is gravel on a membrane sheet, but she refuses to go on here. I do have some spare...
At training, we had been doing sits, facing the owner, with the owner holding a treat at their shoulder level, without the dog jumping up. Tara...
I don't know why, but everyone seems to take a tight line on a blind corner, cyclists, joggers, etc, so I always ensure we take the long way round...
Round and round like a fart in a colander, and can't get out for holes!
Tara does this a lot. The other week it was a mini whirlwind, blowing leaves about, and took a week before she would even walk down that path. She...
Tara has been digging at the part of the lawn she can access, and making a right mess, so we have had the patio extended to the fence. Now she...
Tara was spayed at 6 months, with no problems to her. Made life easier up the park, with all the males sniffing around.
Hi, been off as lost my new password!!!! Tara's operation went well, but she managed to chew up three "lampshades"! Stitches came out OK, but...
Thanks everyone. She is going in on Thursday, and we are not going to the dog show, so no longer an issue!
Well, Tara no longer stops!!! She has been running free with her pals in the park, and I think it has been the freedom to run/stop/look/run again,...
Glad to hear Chloe is improving. My now 6 month Lab, Tara, had all sorts of bowel problems, but these were due to her eating every plant in the...
A neighbour has a 6 year old Doberman, that required an operation on his back. Since then, he has developed a paralysis of his back legs, and...
Hi Paul. As I cannot see your location, I will assume it is in the UK? If so, a referral from your vet, to the Animal Health Trust in Newmarket...
I am having Tara the Lab spayed, but she is also entered for a dog show. The spaying is booked for the beginning of June, when she will be 6...
Re: Jumping fences Oh dear, now I do have a problem! I was thinking 3 ft 6 in, as I do not want it taking over the garden. Might have to bring it...
How high can a Lab jump? I am dividing my garden in half with a fence, so I can have some plants which Tara cannot eat or dig up. I need to pick a...
Re: Jumping up at strangers on walks 5 month old Tara is a "people jumper", even when on the lead. She especially likes kiddies, as they have...
Re: Attacking me on our walk I have found that Tara will more happily walk, without any "attack" or "stop for no reason" intervals, if she is on...