Re: Dogs on the bed.... Dogs have always slept on my/our bed, but only one ever slept in it (a Cocker, who used to climb up under the duvet, from...
Re: How much does your puppy weigh? Tara was weighed at 5 months, for her latest wormer dose, and she is 17.9kg. Vet seemed happy at this, as she...
Re: ID TAG? Whatever you do, don't be tempted by those cylinder ones, where you write your details on a roll of paper, and put it inside, and...
Re: Crate bedding fro puppy? Tara must be odd, as she regularly pulls out her bedding, and goes into her crate and sleeps on the base. When she...
Re: What's with the Ear Licking? And how to use "Off" for jumping up at the table? I have found that "leave it" is a catch all for Tara. If she...
Walking in the park, and saw Cadbury, a chocolate Lab puppy, a few weeks older than Tara and her "best pal", running loose. Waved to her owner, at...
Re: Puppy keeps stopping Partially solved - I think! Took Tara out on my old Spaniel's flexi-lead, as we were going up the park, with plenty of...
Re: Running with other dogs Today, she has mostly been running/puppy wrestling, with two Huskies, one Cocker, one Shitzu/poodle cross (you name...
Re: Puppy keeps stopping She does not seem to be looking at anything, just standing still. I have decided to do the same as her, and just stand...
Re: Running with other dogs Cheers for that, will try and progress it. Today we met a choc Lab male, who is 3 weeks older, and off the lead....
Re: Bonnie still attention biting at 6 months julie, I love that photo, and I am sure Tara would look the same on my recliner - come the day I...
Re: Sofa Surfing.... Sounds like she might be seeing her crate time as punishment. Tara was put in her cage if she had been naughty, and we...
My nearly 5 month old Tara has decided that, after walking happily for part of her walk, will suddenly stop dead, and not move. No amount of...
Re: Running with other dogs Tara was walking with her pal, Daisy, an 8 month old Golden Retriever, who was off lead. Tara obviously wanted to run...
Re: Eaten a sock! Tara passed on the sock stage, and went direct to the front door mat! It regularly got dragged into the living room or kitchen,...
Re: Stairs Well, Tara has sorted it out herself. Saturday, she vanished, and was found at the top of the stairs, whimpering as she could not get...
Re: Running with other dogs Thanks everyone. Phew, I thought I was going to get it in the neck, but your replies have given me confidence. I will...
At our local park, there are a bunch of regulars, whose dogs are off lead and just mooch about. Two GSD, a Doberman, a Staffy pup and a Welsh...
Re: ahhh wont stop barking At what age did your puppies start barking? Tara is 18 weeks old, and has not barked once. She has a little yip sound,...
Re: pulling & stressed My previous dog, a Cocker, had to go to the Animal Health Trust for an MRI scan (she had gone blind), and the anaesthetist...