Re: Water Features We have a small pond, about 3 x 2 and 18 inches deep, not for fish, just ornament on the rockery. A solar pump puts water...
Re: Stairs Thanks folks. Just a bit concerned I might do her some damage, as I cannot do a proper two handed dog lift, when going down stairs....
Re: Big fright for Maisie Went to a farm shop yesterday, and took Tara for a walk, as mother went into shop. Outside are two huge dummy sheep -...
I need to negotiate some stairs with my puppy. When she was small, it was no problem carrying her, but now she is bigger, I need both hands. As I...
Re: Indestructible toys required! Tara has a Kong teddy bear. It does not have soft stuffing, but very strong rope in the body, arms and legs....
Re: Hoarding Oh dear, I hope not! Here is what she has got at the moment - [IMG]
Re: im gonna get a puppy there not born yet here is the mom. We have a confused dog (or more likely owners) near us - they have a Welsh Terrier...
Re: seems like my puppy will be lab boxer mix what can you tell me.................. A friend of mine recently bought a Bedspring (Bedlington...
Tara (4 months) has started hoarding anything she can find. She has all her toys, her bed, the bed out of her crate, a blanket off the sofa, the...
Re: Hi from Tara and me Thanks JAYMZ - sorted! [IMG]
Re: Hi from Tara and me Thanks for the welcome folks. The nickname Bouncer comes from a time I was somewhat unwell due to severe anaemia. I was...
Hi Folks. Just to introduce myself - I'm Bouncer and my chocolate lab is Tara (in case you were confused!). Tara is 15 weeks old, and taking well...