I feel your pain. I was in two minds about going back to our classes because every time the trainer looked our way was the time someone else’s...
24.3kg at 7 months old today
Yep we go to training classes where he can do a recall past all the other dogs, but out in the real world it doesn’t work. I walk with a friend...
So at 6 and a half months old now, walks vary between good and horrific. When it’s just us he’s pretty good, walking better and not pulling as...
21.5kg At 6months. My friend said oh he’s a nice size you see some that are massive.... yeah he’s still growing..!?
From what they said I think it had changed and became much bigger than previously and the dog was uncomfortable
What isn’t true, what I am saying?? The owner said one was bigger than the other and was painful :(
There was someone picking their older lab up at the vets last time I’d popped in, he’d been in to be castrated because he had a testicular tumour....
We had a mystery button appear. It was from none of our clothing so god knows who was missing it :confused:
Thanks for everyone’s replies. I was talking about it with my boss and she had bought a ruff wear one for her dog but it didn’t fit so she gave it...
Our trainer has recommended this brand of harness, does anyone have any experience with them?
I shouldn’t have laughed when I saw this. I came down to a ripped up bed this morning! :confused::D
Merry Christmas everyone. Thanks for being here and the support everyone gives each other
We seem to be struggling with recall when another dog is around. A dog walked by today and was I thought far enough away to not be an issue but 10...
We have housing development going up the other side of a path behind our house. Our boy has heard it since the day he moved in. We went out in the...
I cried so much the first couple of weeks and this weekend I've been struggling because everything we've worked on feels like it's gone out of the...
3.9kg at 8 weeks, 8kg at 12weeks. His legs are ridiculously long so I think he'll be tall and slim. Hopefully slim. That's down to me not overfeeding
I've been getting up when little man has been crying, going out to toilet, back to bed. But how many hours do people find an 11 week old can go...
Hills large breed puppy. I've always used hills for my cats too and they all do well on it
@Boogie that looks fab, where was it from