Re: lemmy getting frisky! It's hard not to laugh, Buster is just over 8 months and still does it now to his toy chicken when he first starting...
Re: How much does your puppy weigh? Buster is now 8 months old and weighs 23.4kgs.
Re: Slow feeder We got Buster one last month, he has gone to hoovering up his food in less than a minute to taking 20 mins to eat, it's nice to...
Re: Help!!! I fear adolescence has arrived :-( Buster is only 7 months but he likes the sound of his own voice, our trainer said to put him on a...
Re: Hot weather I've just had a cool mat delivered today, theres me thinking just in time and he will love it, well he loves it but only to chew...
Re: How much does your puppy weigh? Buster is 23 weeks old and now weighs 18.2kgs
Re: Scratching very very often Our pup did scratch quite a lot when we first got him, i was concerned it was fleas but the vet said he didn't...
Re: Home Alone - Inside or Outside? Hi, our pup is 5 months now when we got out we leave him in the kitchen with toys/ water and a kong and he's...
Re: Puppy party tonight! Enjoy the puppy party Nicola, Buster went to one at the vets when he was 8 weeks old, to start with he was unsure but by...
Re: Been away for 6 days And there was me thinking we have turned a corner with Buster :) there was i thinking my 14 year old son had done really...
Me and hubby have just come back from 5 days in NYC, our son and 4 month old puppy went to his nan and grandads it was almost like having a...
Re: How much does your puppy weigh? Buster was 4.1kg at 8 weeks, he is 14 weeks old today and now weighs 9.1kg
Re: Over excited puppy Hi Debs, i have the same with Buster he is now 12 weeks old and a couple of times today he has come at me quite hard, i...
Re: My 10 week old gorgeous puppy - Diorrohea Lauren, after reading your comments it made perfect sense to us as we are training Buster, plus a...
Re: Sleeping in crate toniight We have had our lovely boy 3 weeks now, he sleeps in a crate at night i wouldn't be without it, Buster takes...
Re: My 10 week old gorgeous puppy - Diorrohea Hello, i did move Buster back on to Beta earlier this week, and his poo improved a lot, although...
Re: My 10 week old gorgeous puppy - Diorrohea Thankyou both for your comments, Buster has been fine since he has been with us for 2 weeks, we...
Hi, i have a question if anyone could advise, my lovely 10 week old pup had his 2nd injection Thursday, since Friday he has had diorrohea, it is...