Just to add: we’ve just realised she doesn’t like us touching her front paw, she pulls it away and runs off (to under the kitchen table). Managed...
Hi everyone The past week Daisy hasn’t seemed herself, she’s been very quiet and calm, sleeping a lot and not really wanting to interact with...
Thanks for the advice Michael, she wasn’t on the lead no. The raised lip was completely unexpected for me, I was getting ready to walk her away...
Thank you so much for the detailed response. The thing is with the playful lab was that I didn’t know the extent of how much she doesn’t like...
Hi again! I just have a few questions so bare with me this may be a long one:D 1. Daisy has slept through the night for months now, waking about...
I will try this, thanks Michael!:)
Yes I think I’ll definately have a look into gun dog training; she could do with the discipline:p
Thanks for the suggestions, the thing is she will go for the treat but as soon as she sees you going to pick the object up, she doesn’t care about...
Hi everyone Daisy has become brilliant at fetch, with no real training it just seemed to come naturally to her. However, the problem is that once...
Thanks for all the info Jo, I'd consider her pretty well trained so hopefully she doesn't take too many steps backwards. Sorry I should have made...
Thanks for the link, I will have a read now. Yes I'll be sure to keep an eye and call the vet if she stays the same:)
Oh and I should add, today she's just kind of restless and letting out the odd whimper.. just seems like she doesn't know what to do with herself.. :(
Thanks Michael, a lot of the training was down to your great advice:D Yes I was thinking it may have been her coming into season, however her...
Hi everyone! Haven't posted in a while and things have been going very good with Daisy. She is now 7 months old, still very petite, weighing 18kg...
Thank you Jo! That video was very reassuring to see as Daisy is exactly like that puppy is when he's jumping all over Zak and biting his arms...
Thank you so much! We will continue separating her when she gets bitey and ride it out:D
Thanks Micheal, she’s good with tug all day but in the evenings she seems to go into these frenzied modes where she’s doing zoomies with her teeth...
Thank you. It's reassuring to hear that it is normal. Of course I do not and would not ever go down the route of smacking her nose, and I'll put...
Hi guys, got another issue with Daisy that seems to be getting hell of a lot worse and no better. She is now 19 weeks old, in the midst of...
@Michael A Brooks Hi Michael, just thought I'd update you. I've been trying your suggestions and the one that seems to have made the biggest...